February 22, 2025

Digital Marketing Agency Competition and Dealing With It In 2021

In your digital marketing agency, in the last 12 months, have you noticed a rapid increase in competition? It’s one of the most common frustrations were picking up when we talk to digital marketing agencies that we support as a resource partner.

Not at all surprising when you consider what has gone on in the last year thanks to the global health pandemic. As the crisis has unfolded and businesses in all industries have felt the strain, more and more people are finding themselves unemployed and considering alternative ways of making a living.

As a digital agency owner, you are no doubt familiar with the fact that there is virtually no barrier to entry when someone wants to open up their own digital marketing agency and start competing with you.

Love it or hate it, this is a reality for digital agency owners. Fresh faces are going to set up shop, offer cheaper services, and compete with you for your patch of the earth. So what are you as a digital agency owner doing about it? How do you deal with competition in your digital agency?

In this video, Globital COO Steve Slotow and Specialist Trainer for the Comms Industry, Paul Burns discuss this trend in the digital marketing industry. Paul also provides a few tips for digital marketing agency owners to consider on how best to deal with this competition and ensure profitability and future success for their digital agencies.

If you’d like to get in touch with Steve, don’t be shy. Here are his details.
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/slotow​
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/stevenslotow

If you’d like to get in touch with Paul, don’t be shy. Here are his details.
LINKEDIN: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/pbburns

➧ FREE: Has Your Digital Agency Lost Momentum? Need a kickstarter to get moving again? Complete our 30 day kick start program designed to get stuck digital agencies moving again: http://bit.ly/30DKSYT



5 Simple Steps That You Can Implement Today That Will Set Up Your Agency For Scale

It’s hard to set up an agency for scale. In fact, most often when we talk about scale in the digital marketing world, we are actually talking about growth. Scale means more than growth. Scale actually means achieving more growth with less resources. Scale generates higher rates of profit.

In this guide, we present 5 simple steps that you can easily implement to set up your agency for scale.  We cover:

  • Money
  • Time
  • Expertise
  • Team
  • Leadership

Grab your copy today. It is complimentary to you from us.


How To Ensure Your Prices Guarantees That Your Digital Agency Will Earn a Profit On Every Project

How did you work out the prices for your digital marketing services?

So often, digital agencies work out their prices by comparing with the industry, by gut feel or by what their friends tell them they are worth. It is not a way to ensure your agency will make a profit. Rather, this is a way to trap you in a business that can’t grow. Did you know that pricing strategy (or lack thereof) is the number one reason why digital agencies today, hit a capacity trap and get stuck, unable to progress past a certain limit.

Striking your prices to ensure you run a profitable digital agency over the long term requires a strategy. It is not hard, but it does require some deliberate thought and planning. In this guide, we explain pricing in a way that will ensure you build an agency that can resource for the growth and then scale to profit. We do this in 7 simple steps that are easy to understand and apply today.

So if you have never given deliberate thought to a pricing strategy, or have hit capacity and cannot push through this guide is definitely for you. Your copy of this resource is ready for instant access, just fill out the form on this page so we know where to send it.


How to set up your client communication so your SEO clients stay forever, in 5 simple steps

Stop losing SEO clients that should stay with you for years.
So often businesses leave their SEO providers for reasons that have nothing to do with performance. More often than not, this is to their detriment as well as yours.
We’ve found that invariably, such client attrition can be solved with a communication framework that addresses five key elements. These elements include:

  • Expectations
  • Onboarding
  • Regularity
  • The Set-Up
  • Strategy

Nailing these five elements in your communication rhythm will drastically improve your client retention. In the SEO Client Retention Rhythm, we walk you through these five elements so you can set this all up in your business today.
Your copy of this resource is ready for instant access, just fill out the form on this page so we know where to send it.