➧ FREE: Lost momentum? Need a kickstarter to get moving again? Complete our 30 day kick start program designed to get stuck digital agencies moving again: http://bit.ly/2NvlyGT
We see too many digital agencies that disappear as soon as the economy starts to weaken. Think about it, what would happen to your digital agency today if the economy stalled?
Too often when we see this, it is nothing to do with their products or service levels, it is 100% to do with some simple basics of business. There are 6 items in particular we have found which could make a real difference to the resilience and survivability of your digital agency, and they are contained in this video.
I hope you find some real useful implementation points in it. These “business speed humps” are inevitable and it is much easier to create resilience during good times, than it is to do so when we are forced to.
➧ WANT $1000? – We are giving 10 agencies $1000 for their business this month. If interested, tell us a little bit about yourself on the following page and we will send you the info: http://bit.ly/2FML7Nc
PLUS – when you are ready, here are 4 more ways we can help your digital agency:
Join our community of collaborative Digital Marketers, where we come together to solve common challenges. Click Here http://bit.ly/2N7PJUa
Visit our events page and register to attend our next event: https://www.globitalmarketing.com/eve…
Download our cheat-sheet “Profit Perfect Pricing”, a guide designed to ensure your pricing strategy guarantees profit and facilitates scale in your agency: https://www.globitalmarketing.com/pro…
Do you want 1 on 1 help with scaling your Digital Agency? If so, please fill out the following questionnaire and one of our Digital Business Specialists will be in touch to help you make a plan: http://bit.ly/2FML7Nc